ALOECTA's Committees

Health and Safety

Dan Graham
James Durkin

This committee will be informed of Health and Safety issues, trends and concerns in the workplace.They will identify members' needs and recommend courses of action to address these needs. They will inform members of all aspects pertaining to occupational health and safety in the workplace. They will ensure each site has a Health & Safety Rep to inspect and complete the monthly reports. They will advise the Unit Executive in matters pertaining to occupational health and safety that require action. They will serve as O.E.C.T.A. representative on the Board's Joint Health and Safety Committee.

Political Action

Jennifer Currie (West)
Steve Garrison (East)

Promote Association positions and interests at local political party events and gatherings. Advise and assist the Unit Executive in local political actions. Advise the Executive and membership of the political issues at municipal, provincial, and federal levels of government that effect Catholic education and teacher welfare, and to recommend strategies to influence the course of these issues. To support the work of the local Labour Councils, with the co-chairs or designate(s) serving as O.E.C.T.A. representatives at monthly meetings of the Kingston & District Labour Council and the Quinte Labour Council.

Local Collective Bargaining

Cyndi Kelly

The committee will be informed of issues, trends and legislation impacting on collective bargaining. Review collective agreement and pertinent memoranda of understanding yearly. Attend provincial collective bargaining seminars. They will conduct a needs survey of the membership. They will draft an initial contract proposal for Executive approval. They will provide support to the negotiating team through out the negotiating period.

Social & Awards

Sheena Cassidy (West)
Fil Scarpazza (East)

The committee will participate in the planning and organization of a variety of social events and activities after consulting with the President and First Vice-President on regional social events e.g. Volleyball Social, Retirement Dinner, and Annual Skating Party. The President and First Vice-President will inform the Executive and the membership of the social events being organized in each region. Maintain two committees, East and West, to plan social activities and awards procedures. Continue to foster positive social interactions among members. Promote O.E.C.T.A. as a strong, positive advocate for members' rights. Plan and promote the O.E.C.T.A. Retirement and Recognition Dinners to be held in Belleville and Kingston annually.

Professional Development

Cyndi Kelly (West)
Donna Brett (East)

The committee will be informed on educational issues, trends and problems in the area of professional development. They will identify the needs and desires to support the growth of its members, professionally, personally, and spiritually and recommend actions/initiatives to meet these needs/desires. Allocate the funds available for personal professional development in a fair and just manner. Increase awareness of professional development opportunities. Promote O.E.C.T.A.'s Young Authors Awards.


Sheena Cassidy

They will promote the Association's position on current educational issues. They will promote the activities and services of the Association to its members and the Catholic community. Maintenance of a hospitality service to our members marking milestones in their lives such as marriages, birth, illness and family bereavements. Implementation of a scholarship program accessible to graduating students enrolled in the secondary schools of the Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board. Implementation of a charitable donations program based on established criteria both for the selection of sponsored groups and the raising of funds for donation. Operation and maintenance of the unit website and email blasts which should focus on Unit activities, educational concerns, and membership news.


Sheena Cassidy

Propose changes to the Algonquin-Lakeshore Unit's Bylaws for approval by the Unit Executive, to be presented at the spring Annual General Meeting for the approval of the membership. Ensure that the Algonquin-Lakeshore Unit's Bylaws continues to reflect changes to the O.E.C.T.A. Provincial Constitution. Present to the Unit Executive for their consideration, proposals for bylaw changes put forth by Unit members.


Jackie Dillon

Prepare annual budget to be approved by the Unit Executive and presented to the Unit membership at the fall Annual General Meeting. Review unit investments quarterly and make recommendations regarding investment strategies. Ensure all needed documents are available for the auditor.

Beginning Teacher

Lori McCaw

The committee will promote the involvement and participation of Beginning Teachers in the Association. They will address the needs and concerns of Beginning Teachers. They will support Beginning Teachers in their professional endeavours.

Occasional Teacher

Bill Lonergan

Identify occasional teacher members' concerns and recommend actions to the unit executive. Select the occasional teacher delegate to the AGM. Select the occasional teacher representative to serve on the collective bargaining team. To report to the unit executive, articles/items to be included in the unit email blasts and website.


Dan Graham

Consult, through the Unit's Grievance Officer, with the provincial office's Contract Services Department regarding potential grievances and seek the assistance of the Contract Services Department in preparation of the grievance letter. Prepare, under the direction of the Contract Services Department and the Unit's Grievance Officer, the Unit's position on any potential grievance. Meet with the Board's Grievance Committee at step two of the grievance procedure.

Status of Woman

Kristen Hannafin

The committee will identify the specific needs and concerns of women in the teaching profession and society in general and to recommend courses of action to address these needs. They will advise the Unit Executive on ways to enhance the status of women in society. They will assist the Unit Executive to establish ways to educate the membership about women's issues. They will make recommendations to the Unit Executive on outreach to community-based women's organizations.